Friday, September 23, 2011

Give away by My Memories Digital scrapbooking

I was offered a chance to use this digital software, Well at first I was hesitate, because I am very computer challenged. But I decided to give it a try, and I am so glad I did. It is super easy to use and if you do run into problems there is a help line there for support. If you like scrapbooking card making, photo books, calendars just anything this is a great software.
simply pick your template or make your own choose your colors, rearrange the possilbilities are endless. You can save and print many copies to give out to all those family members for gifts etc. You can make many books at once in little time. Now doesnt that sound great. I have been given a free version and I am able to give one of my followers a free version also of memories suite! This software has been ranked no.1 on Amazon.
I will be giving software but if you would like to order something or do not win and would like to get the software you can use my code which is STMMMS88348 and you will recieve a 10 dollar discount off the purchase of My Memories suite software and a ten dollar coupon for the my memories. com store a twenty dollar value.
to visit the blog go to
now for the rules.
go to and choose your favorite layout, then comment on my blog telling me which one you like best.
for more entries for winning just go to
blog above my memories
http:/!my memoriessuite
now I hope you go take a look and come back here and tell me what you think I will be announcing the winner on sept 30 which is on a friday. this gives you plenty of time to enter.

follow the rules above go to and pick out your favorite layout and tell me by commenting on my blog and becoming a follower on both blogs. winner will recieve a free version of software. believe me it is super fun.

here is a layout page available and you just click and drag your picture into place and you can write any text you want and just print It doesnt get easier than that. You can make professional looking books like they do at certain printing shops and photo shops. would make great gifts for someone who loves to make incredible layouts etc without all the mess.


  1. your LO are wonderful - great imagery

  2. love your digital layouts! the Halloween ones are just to cute!
    I love the going coastal kit!

  3. Hey Rhonda..I love digital scrapbooking too, I created a digital album for my husbands birthday. In the gallery I loved the 'Once Upon a Time' layout. It sure was hard to choose a fav! This software looks like fun! Now to check out your new DT. ( Congratulations)

  4. These layouts from this software are wonderful. I love the Halloween ones at the top of your blog. Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. My SIL made a digital scrapbook from my MIL. It was AMAZING!! I really like the Ballerina layout at My Memories. It's precious!
