Saturday, January 29, 2011

scrapping with tina is having a round robin swap!

how it works- she is cleaning out her craft room and adding things in a box. the first person who signed up to play gets it first, takes out what they want out of box- and then replaces items back in box with equal value then sends it to the next person on the list. to play hop over to Tina's her button is on my sidebar just click on it. Its the one that say tina handmade with the big hand. what are you waiting for it will be open until feb 1st. need more players hop over and give it a try. hugs


  1. Tina's swap sounds like fun!!! I just may have to hop on over!!!

    Rhonda, I was so excited to hear your news today and, of course, I can't wait to get it!!! Wow, I'm going to be on pins and needles! Seriously!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you (and some kisses on the cheek tossed in too!)

    Hugs, my dear friend!

  2. That sounds like a fun idea!
